PDN Saigon Import and Export Trade Service Co.,Ltd

Let’s make a product!

I’m CEO Pham Hong Phuong.
Three years have passed since we built a small sewing factory with four employees in Ho Chi Minh.
There were various troubles at the beginning, and there were times when it was extremely difficult, but as our sewing technology was recognized around the world,
we received requests from Japan, Europe, the United States, China, Europe and various companies including important IP.
What was once a small garment factory can now employ as many as 90 people.

We would like to thank our business partners and end users.
Our mission is to be the unsung hero who firmly supports the world’s products with high quality, high speed and low price
in a Vietnam where there are still many opportunities.
If you are uncertain about OEM production or you want to change your OEM production base to Vietnam, we welcome you.
Let’s make a product!

2019 delivery stats/

Sewn products delivered
(Shirts, Hats, Bags, Pillows, Plush Toys)

Wood mold products delivered (non-woven)
(VR masks, novelty bags, shopping bags)

Resin mold products delivered
(Hangers, Slippers, Miscellaneous rubber goods such as shuriken)

Main customers for sewn products:

– Professional baseball (IP): 5 companies
– Character license (IP): 4 companies
– Horse racing related (IP): 2 companies
– Motor sports (IP): 2 companies
– Discount stores: 3 companies
– Logistics: 2 companies

Main customers for wood mold products:

– Publishing relationship (IP): 4 companies
– VR type HMD manufacturer (IP): 4 companies
– Amusement / Amusement park (IP): 7 companies
– Game center: 10 companies
– Home electronics mass retailers: 4 companies
– Advertising agency: 4 companies

Main customers for miscellaneous goods:

– Crafts souvenirs: 45 companies
– Amusement: 24 companies
– Drama / stunt: 4 companies
– Discount stores: 3 companies
– Clothing chain: 2 companies
– Photo studio: 2 companies


Sewing machine with 1 needle: 50, Sewing machine with 8 needles: 2, Machine Press: 2, Over 6, Button hole machine: 5, Cutting machine: 3,
Interfacing: 2, Button Sewing: 5, Kansai Machine: 1, Meter Reading Machine: 1


WRAP is the world’s largest labor and environmental certification program for the manufacture and processing of consumer products.
It is supported by 25 international trade associations, including 36 national associations and the International Federation of Apparel representing more than 150,000 companies.
The WRAP Principle covers basic standards dealing with labor practices, factory conditions, environmental and customs compliance,
and consists of the following 12 elements.

・ Compliance with laws and workplace regulations
・ Prohibition of forced labor
・ Prohibition of child labor
・ Prohibition of harassment and abuse
・ Reward and allowance
・ Working time
・ Freedom of association and social relations
・ Health and safety
・ Prohibition of discrimination
・ Environment
・ Customs compliance / security

We have the Gold certification, which is a proof that these 12 principles are strictly observed,
and we are proud that we have a complete production system.


Vietnam factory: Company Profile

169 Dong Thanh 1-4 St.,AP,6,XA DOMG THANH,Hoc Mon,TP HCM Vietnam
Representative:Pham Hong Phuong
Number of employees:90

Japan web content: Company Profile

Shinobiya.com Co., Ltd.
Ichiokamotomachi 3-7-10
KS Building 5th Floor
Minato-ku, 552-0002 Osaka, Japan
Capital Stock: 20 million yen
Representative: Mitsuya Oku
Number of employees:70


Please feel free to contact us for OEM production requests and consultations.

Inquiry form/